Monday, August 4, 2014

S@!t Toddlers Say

So, I heard my son swear for the first time. I should have known it was coming. He's started repeating everything I say directly to him, so it was only a matter of time before he repeated the word I muttered under my breath when I dropped something while breastfeeding his sister (making me unable to retrieve the item until she was done).

As much as I'd prefer my two-year-old didn't swear, I swear an awful lot in his presence. Okay, I swear an awful lot, period, but I come by it honestly. My dad's ability to swear creatively led my brothers and I to tell our confused friends that he was fluent in French. This more than anything recently has made me feel guilty about not setting a better example for my kids.

Speaking of my father, another thing my son has been saying lately that my father would believe is worse than swearing is mispronouncing "grandma" and "grandpa", both as something sounding roughly like "bama". Since my son says "uh" in front of everything it comes out sounding like "Obama". My father is of the political camp fiercely against our current President and my son is set to spend a week with him later this month. This should be interesting ...

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