About Me

Me and my daughter, the future serial killer
Mother of two little monsters. Wife to one of the sweetest guys I've ever known. Progressive Christian. Suburbia dweller. Inveterate book lover who went pro (aka became a librarian). User of big words.

All inadequate labels, but together they begin to paint a picture of the whole.

I talk about personal stuff here, but let's face it, at this point of my life, that's mainly my kids, or parenting, or how parenting my kids is affecting everything else in my life, like my work life peddling books. Sometimes I hate how they've overtaken my life. Sometimes I'm so glad that they're the ones who have.

One of the happiest days of my life
Here's where I get the thoughts about all of that out of my head and out into the public sphere. Sometimes it's deep and thought-provoking. Sometimes it's totally mundane. Some days I wish I were anything but Mommy. Some days it's the best thing I've ever done with my life. But most of the time it's somewhere in between.

I also have a blog where I talk about slightly more work-related topics, but I'm very slowly working to incorporate that content here to feel less like I have multiple personality disorder when blogging. You can also follow me on Goodreads if you're into that kind of thing (because, let's face it, I'm obsessed).